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When it is the post-pandemic era, officers have to wear masks when they work, which is mostly 8 hours a day. It becomes very hard to drink enough water daily for health essentials. Is there a way to remind people to drink from time to time, so officers can remember to take off the mask and take a sip?




When it is the post-pandemic era, officers have to wear masks when they work, which is mostly 8 hours a day. It becomes very hard to drink enough water daily for health essentials. Is there a way to remind people to drink from time to time, so officers can remember to take off the mask and take a sip?

Physical Interface

I decide to use Arduino UNO, 16x2 LCD Screen and the force sensor to build up the physical interface of the coaster. I first write up some simple code to test out the circuits and some basic functions.


With knowing all my circuits are wired in the right way, I solder them onto a protoboard to reduce the volume of the device. After soldering, I use cardboard to quickly prototype the shape of the coaster and model it in the SOLIDWORKS. Finally, 3D print all the parts of the coaster and assemble them together.



After tons of coding, I finally figure out how to program the weight with the force sensor. I also add a motor as the alarm. The flag will be the reminder, and the sound of the motor moving should drag the user out of their working mode. 
With the basic functions settle down, I did a couple of user testing to make sure the user flow is convenient and not stressful. Here is the final demo of this project. Hope you can enjoy this cute intelligent coaster that can keep you healthy!!

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